My Story
I had first heard about Scentsy in the fall of 2012. A friend was selling it, and she gave me a sample and a catalogue. I had a Glade burner at home, so I put my sample in that. I LOVED the smell, but didn't find it lasted very long, so I never really gave it another thought. In April 2014, another friend, who I had grown up with, had started selling. I asked her for a link to view the catalogue and decided to give it another try. I wanted a nightlight warmer for my bathroom. I ended up buying the combine and save package with two nightlight warmers and 6 bars. I was so excited when it came in, and instantly fell in love!! The scent lasted so much longer in these warmers and I learned it was because they didn't get as hot as the Glade burners did! I was so impressed that my kids wouldn't burn themselves if they touched the wax!! Just a few months before, my youngest had burned his fingers when he stuck them in my sisters Glade warmer when we were visiting! He really cried, and we ended up having to put ice on his fingers. It was heartbreaking. All these amazing things led me to one decision- If I was going to spend money BUYING the products, I should just sell it! I figured that way I could make a little bit of money to help with the cost of all the warmers and scents I wanted to buy!! May 1st, 2014 I joined! I was so excited and couldn't wait to get started! I borrowed the testers and a couple catalogues from my sponsor and I started right away! I submitted my first order before my starter kit even arrived! I never imagined all the amazing things becoming a consultant would mean. I have made so many friends through this company, and I have reconnected with old friends. I went from being a shy, stay at home mom who never left the house, to being more outgoing and doing things for me!! Who knew this would bring me out of my shell the way it has? I was worried I wouldn't be able to do this because I was too shy, and my anxiety would get in the way, but becoming an Independent Scentsy Consultant has been one of the best decisions I have ever made!! I paid $119 and changed my life!